Animated screeningprogamme & talks with creatives in experimental animation
Helgen 13. og 14. januar har du mulighet til å se animasjonsprogrammet "Seeing sound cinema" i Grafills hus, kuratert av Mikrolabs kollektivet basert i Bergen. I tillegg til visning av programmet vil det være presentasjon og foredrag på lørdagen.
Seeing Sound Cinema er et en times animasjonsprogram som viser uavhengige, innovative animasjoner fra produsenter over hele verden ved å bruke nye tilnærminger til filmskaping basert på musikk. Også referert til som «se lyd» av de første filmskaperne fra 1950-tiden, da muligheten for å slå sammen film og lyd ble en ny funksjon innen filmskaping, etterfulgt av en sjanger med filmer som baserer sin visuelle historiefortelling på musikk.
Grafill, Møllergata 39, Oslo
Lørdag 13. Jan kl 14-19
Søndag 14. Jan kl 14-18
Seeing Sound Cinema Talks
Lørdag 13. Januar kl 15-17
Grafill, Møllergata 39
Petri Henriksson (FIN)
Petri Henriksson is a Finnish graphic designer and film maker based in Oslo. He is one of the founding members of Blank Blank studio and Berlin based artist studio Muscle Temple. He is particularly active on the Norwegian art scene and has distinguished himself as a designer for Bergen Kunsthall and collaborated various artists like Joar Nango, Richard Tuttle.
His activities include a wide range of formats, exploring the boundaries between graphic design, audiovisual experiments, ephemera, as well as curatorial praxis in form social events and installations.
He has worked as cinematographer for art films, and created audio visual installations together with sound artists and film makers, and organized experimental concert events on floating saunas in the Oslo fjord under the name Ääni Sauna.
Rogier van der Zwaag (NL)
Rogier van der Zwaag is a filmmaker and visual artist based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. While studying Image and Media Technology at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, he started experimenting with film, animation and photography. After graduating he started gravitating towards abstraction and exploring an urge to create his own little universes.
Each of his films is a new step in his search for synergy between sound and image, reality and imagination. Like the scientists of old, he starts with nothing but a hypothesis – and a camera. As his experiments gather speed they take over his studio, his house and his life. Props pile up, hard drives are overloaded and showers become a distant memory. Yet all this is forgotten when he releases his creations, as time, shape and perspective are turned inside out to dance across our screens.
Marieke Verbiesen (NO/NL) creates interactive installations and performances using experimental animation, exhibited and screened at various festivals, museums, cinema ́s, artspaces, galleries and public spaces since 2003.
Her crossdiciplinairy works can be best described as a fused output of various media, often resulting in lifesize installations that combine animation, sculpture and interactivity.
As part of the bergen based collective Mikrolabs, she organises events in the field
Of experimental interaction design and animation.
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