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Morten Andersen / Fast Cities

  • Buer Gallery NORWAY (map)

Morten Andersen / Fast Cities

Sted: Buer Gallery

Arrangement av Buer Gallery og Morten Andersen


More and more of us live in cities, more than half of us and that figure is just growing, rapidly. But its not in Europe or North America we live, well some of us do but the largest and fastest growing cities we find in Asia, South America and Africa. But bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better and the challenges with pollution, overpopulation, poverty, housing, transportation, drinking water, sanitation, energy, crime, social inequality and so on seems endless. Endless cities in every sense, but with curiosity, camera and boots made for walking I set out to explore the streets of Mexico City, Cairo, Mumbai, Kolkata, Dhaka, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Djakarta and Lagos. All megacities with a population of 10 or more millions, sometimes up to 20 with the greater metropolitan areas included. Cities with two, three, four times as many people than all of little Norway… Except from Shanghai they were all new ground to me, not that I recognized anything from my late 1980s visit there, things change fast… and with just about a week in each place, accompanied with my usual jetlag and diarrhea, I am just scratching a tiny bit of the surface here. But usually when we see photographic work from the megacity its often about spectacular architecture and infrastructure so i have focused more on the human element and the energy of the city experienced at a grassroot level. How they move, look, live, dance….small stories, from big cities.

-Morten Andersen

Morten Andersen (født 1965), bosatt i Oslo. Han er utdannet ved International Center of Photography (ICP) i New York, USA (1990 - 91). Innehaver av Statens garantiinntekt for kunstnere siden 2011 og i 2017 fikk han Oslo bys Kunstnerpris for sitt arbeide. Andersen har opparbeidet seg en lang merittliste gjennom sitt nærmere 40 årige virke som fotograf, og kan skilte med en lang rekke utstillinger i gallerier og museer nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Morten Andersen har gitt ut 26 bøker. Den seneste, Satyricon & Munch, hvor han har fulgt Satyricon i prosessen med å lage musikk og kuratere utstilling på Munchmuseet. Boken ble gitt ut av Munch tidligere i år.