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  • Astrup Fearnley NORWAY (map)


Arrangement av Astrup Fearnley Museet

Sted: Astrup Fearnley Museet

Årets sommerutstilling vies Synnøve Anker Aurdal (1908–2000), en av Norges mest fremtredende tekstilkunstnere. Utstillingen vil bestå av verk fra Astrup Fearnley-samlingen i kombinasjon med innlån av sentrale arbeid fra ulike samlinger i Norge. Sammen vil de vise hele spekteret av Anker Aurdals produksjon, fra tidlige arbeider datert på begynnelsen av 1940-tallet til verk fra slutten av 1990-tallet. Utstillingen vil gi et unikt innblikk i et viktig og banebrytende kunstnerskap som både hadde en markant posisjon i sin samtid og som fremdeles oppleves sterkt og relevant i dag.

The event is for the members of the museum’s Art Club. If you wish to attend, we kindly ask you to purchase an annual membership from 190 NOK by following this link and an invitation will be sent to you as soon as your membership is registered.

This year’s summer exhibition will feature significant works by Synnøve Anker Aurdal (1908 – 2000) who was one of Norway’s most prominent textile artists. This exhibition comprises works that already are in the Astrup Fearnley Collection, as well as a selection of loans, which together will form a unique and seminal overview of her outstanding body of work.

Her deep knowledge of both the Norwegian weaving tradition and the contemporary art discourse made her a true pioneer within the field. In her oeuvre, she moved from traditional craftsmanship to arts and crafts and eventually ventured into visual art, where she emerged as a central figure. During her lifetime she contributed greatly to the recognition of textiles as a form of artistic expression. Early on in her work, Anker Aurdal incorporated the non-figurative as a central element and she was crucial in the launching of modernism in Norway.

Director and Chief Curator of Astrup Fearnley Museet, Solveig Øvstebø, will open the exhibition.

We look forward to welcoming you!