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Inspire by Fighting Monkey by Natalia Pieczuro

Skuespiller- og danseralliansen har sammen med PRODA - Profesjonell Dansetrening, invitert Natalia Pieczuro til å holde workshop, med fokus på Fighting Monkey teknikk.

"An open workshop serves as a basic platform for the Fighting Monkey Practice: it’s an overall introduction to the qualities and ideas that have been developed over the last 15 years of F.M. research.

Through partnering work - “movement situations”, coordinations, work with tools, injury prevention and body conditioning and « being », we will work on strengthening the focus, the awareness and the whole system. Working with the partner will bring us the alive and so preciouse irregularity in the training; will influence our behavior, the diversity of qualities, tempo and rhythm of our movement.

Workshop leader Natalia Pieczuro, born in Wild East. Believes that reality is ultimately timeless and in the logic of the universe. Rooted herself with FM practice, studding anthropology of culture and in SEAD, where she graduated with a double diploma in choreography and performing. For last 10 years, she has been walking on Fighting Monkey path and this gave an axis to her teaching and life."


* Workshop CRITERIAS: You work as a professional dancer or mover and have a Bachelor or comparable.

* The workshop is held in English.

* Registration is binding. If your application is accepted, you'll need to pay the fee in due date.

* All applicants will get answer in due time after the deadline. (08.02.2019)

* If you are accepted to participate but choose not to attend, without letting us know a week in advance or earlier, the tuition is non-refundable.
