Birdcloud er tilbake!
Nashvilleduon Birdcloud har blitt kalt ”The Most Dangerous Group in Country Music” og er godt kjent og beryktet for sine vulgære, men svært underholdende countrypunk vider på den unge alternative East-Nashville scenen. Dette bandet hørstes ut som en countryversjon av The Moldy Peaches.
”It’s obvious that Birdcloud isn’t for everyone. This isn’t music you want to share with your mama, unless she works at a truck stop or has done a little time in the pen. You might not want to listen to these always raunchy, often uncomfortable songs in your regular rotation, but there’s no denying the crucial place that they (and songs like them) have in this genre. And honestly, if dirty words and girls singing raunchy-like about sex is offensive to you, that doesn’t have anything to do with Birdcloud. That’s on you.” - Amy McCarthy, Houston Press